NURSERY (Ages Birth-18 Months)
5-6:15 p.m.
The nursery ministry strives to provide a safe and secure place for our little ones so parents can participate in the service. Our volunteers and experienced workers are carefully screened so parents can feel comfortable leaving their children in capable hands.
Contact: Caroline Nurkin
Ministry Team Leader: Hallie Krebs

TODDLER (Ages 2-3)
5-6:15 p.m.
The toddler room provides us with an exciting opportunity to introduce the language of our beliefs during such an important developmental stage. We share the mission of God's love through the Bible Stories and crafts.
Contact: Caroline Nurkin
Ministry Team Leader: Hallie Krebs

5-6:15 p.m. – Bible Lesson and Activity
Preschoolers are a unique and wonderful gift from God, and we believe that they are an integral part of our church family. Our preschool ministry seeks to nurture the growth of preschoolers and offer love and support to their families during these formative years.
Through our ministry to preschoolers, we desire to provide children with a loving and caring environment so they can learn of God, the wonderful world God created, and God’s love for them. Our mission is to share the message of God’s love and, through this message, develop in children a young faith that can grow in the knowledge of God.
Contact: Caroline Nurkin
Ministry Team Leader: Hallie Krebs

CHILDREN (Grades 1-6)
Children are dismissed to Way of the Child from our public meeting in the sanctuary just before the message to their classrooms with a children's leader and volunteer. Leaders have requested that children are not picked up until after the service to ensure enough time for their activities.
Our Children’s Ministry strives to provide an environment of love, growth and safety for all the children of Ekklesia while fostering an understanding of Christ through guided teachings, experiential activities, community outings, and serving those around them.
On Sunday evenings, Way of the Child serves as a means to introduce the children to the teachings and stories within the Bible, helping them understand what a Christ-like life looks like and how to live one through the study of the stories, activities to process the information and serving alongside each other in the community. Exposing children to these various facets of our faith encourages growth in their own faith.
Contact: Caroline Nurkin
Ministry Team Leader: Hallie Krebs

YOUTH (Grades 7-12)
The youth join together to experience and express the love of Jesus through meeting each Sunday night, dubbed SNAC (Sunday Night After Church). This is an opportunity for youth to socialize during dinner and share their lives and open the Bible to find out more about God and His upside-down kingdom in which “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Beyond Sunday nights, youth participate in service projects around Hattiesburg in an effort to be the hands and feet of God.
Contact: Lacey Mai and James Isenhower
Small Groups

This small group is hosted seasonally and is intended to welcome newcomers. We learn about Ekklesia and each other with the goal of growing relationships.
More opportunities for small groups are available several times during the year. We always welcome new small group formations. Contact us if you would like to lead a new group.
Contact: Todd Fillingim
Ministry Teams

The Communications team is made up of volunteers who collaborate on and create Ekklesia's communication materials. Often around dinner tables or coffee tables, this team focuses on telling the story of Ekklesia to the broader community, as well as connecting individuals within Ekklesia through a variety of outlets. We place a high value on everyone contributing their individual voices at the table so that an atmosphere of love, creativity, diversity, and God's heart toward redemption can thrive.
If you do not want pictures of yourself or your child used in Ekklesia communication materials, download/complete the Photo Opt-out Form and return it to an Ekklesia staff member.
Contact: Krista Abbott or Erin Little

The Ekklesia Band facilitates individual and collective worship at Ekklesia Hattiesburg's public meetings. With a strong belief that both ancient and modern practices possess value and depth, the Ekklesia Band fuses traditional hymns and current worship songs through unique arrangements.
In 2010, the Ekklesia Band released its first collection of hymns: Stories We Had Forgotten. This record is available through iTunes and other streaming services.
Contact: Toby Barker

This committee organizes social events within Ekklesia to create fellowship between the members. Our team consists of party planners and fabulous chefs! Some of our community-wide events include a Chili and Gumbo Cook-off, Easter Potluck, Fall Picnic, and Anniversary Event.
Contact: Heather Dickerson