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People of Ekklesia: Meet Steve Adamson by Stephanie Walker

Ekklesia Hattiesburg

If you’re like me you attend service and see the worship band every week. We know them, but do we really know them? With that thought in mind, I sat down with Steve Adamson for coffee and conversation. We met at a local favorite, T-Bones Records & Cafe, where we chatted about life, love, church, and everything in between. It’s amazing what you can learn about someone you’ve known for what seems like forever. I never would have guessed Steve was born into a Mennonite family. However, I wasn’t surprised to learn he has been playing piano in church since he was 16 years old.  We’ve heard him play. He’s amazing.

Steve mentioned that playing in the band is like having a conversation, and he feels like it connects him with the congregation. He realized recently that he was seeking something more engaging, and started attending the Wednesday night potlucks and studies. He has also enjoyed the Ekklesia Adult Dinners. It’s forced him from behind the piano and given him the space to foster new friendships.

He is an assistant municipal prosecutor, a talented musician, enjoys baking and cooking, and is likely one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Ask Steve about his multiple degrees. He enjoys being an assistant municipal prosecutor because it is a people-forward profession where he also able to serve the community.

Steve moved to Hattiesburg for graduate school. He left briefly to live in New Orleans but settled back here. Steve believes he is surrounded by a community he freely calls his chosen family. Get to know Steve a little more.  

Where are you from?

From Nashwauk, MN—a small township in Northern Minnesota.  I’m a Northerner by birth and a Southerner by choice.

How did you find Ekklesia?

I think Ekklesia found me.  I can’t quite remember the details, but from my memory, there was a group of people starting a new fellowship.  I was in Hattiesburg at the time and started attending because that was where my friends went, it’s where I could play music, and it became a place that made sense for me to attend based on my priorities.

How do you connect with the community? 

I heard about the Wednesday night services with UBC for a few years and started regularly attending and this has reintroduced me to my faith community.  I love to play music on Sundays, but the act of breaking bread with my community is a sacred space for me. 

How has Ekklesia impacted your life?

At times, I feel like I’ve cheated death. One of the reasons I’m truly alive today is the consistent love of the good people in Ekklesia. I’ve been able to engage with my faith community and find a sense of center that has long eluded me.

What’s your favorite Ekklesia memory/event?

I remember our Hymns We Used to Remember CD release party, playing with a great group of musicians and a great crowd.  There was something in the air that night—it was filled with expectancy.

Describe your perfect day.

Taking in Nature: Hiking a trail in the mountains, staying at an Airbnb—I don’t camp.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Mornings with a cup of coffee, a donut, and a cigarette—road trip: destination unknown.

What brings you joy?

A greater sense of purpose in life; to feel humbly capable of serving others in faith, relationships, and work.

Steve is an advocate for people. He is in recovery and knows what it looks like to struggle. If you need someone to talk to know that he is typically one call away. He is one of the most caring and genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of having coffee with. I’m looking forward to more coffee and conversations with the people of Ekklesia. See you next time. 

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